The Flowhesion Foundation is proud to work with The Centre of Excellence delivering on an innovative drugs awareness campaign in the town. The campaign is a grass-roots response to the increasing issue of drugs in our communities. Both organisations are jointly delivering sessions across out of school clubs, religious and at sports organisations. A dedicated helpline has been set up with bilingual professionals ready to provide support to young people and parents. Face to face counselling and support is also offered. Finally both organisations are mapping out support and structured activities available in the town that can allow young people to develop themselves outside of formal educational settings. The idea is to keep young people off the streets by creatively engaging with them.
The ‘Just say no!’ drugs campaign has generated a lot of interest from local leaders and statutory services. It has gained traction after being published in the Bolton News. The Campaign has been awarded funding from Bolton’s Fund and 2 mini-conferences for parents on the issue of drugs are also being planned.
The Chair of the ‘Just say no!’ ‘Drugs campaign sadiq Tania stated ‘ we’re just overwhelmed and humbled at the support we are receiving from local leaders, organisations and agencies. Everyone is really pulling together to get the message out there. We’ve already delivered 18 workshops across a whole range of organisations and clubs and our support line has been really busy. There’s a long way to go but we are heading in the right direction’
To learn more about the campaign click on the video below. If you want to get involved or require support on issues discussed in the article you can contact us Julie: 01204275106 or email

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